University Billboard Submission


Located on the corner of Avalon Boulevard and Victoria Street, the “University Billboard” (often referred to as the Avalon sign) is a specialized university communication tool with the potential to engage a large audience. Approximately 50,000 vehicles stop or pass through the intersection each day for an average of four to eight seconds. The billboard runs from 6 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., seven days a week. 

To ensure consistency of brand and messaging for university events and programs to an external audience— and maximize the impact of each message on the University Billboard — University Communications and Marketing (UCM) has created the following guidelines.


Please review these guidelines before submitting a request.

Message Rotation

  • No more than 12 messages are in rotation at any given time to maximize message visibility.
  • When message requests exceed the maximum rotation, priority will be given to major events open to the public with an anticipated attendance of 150 or more, or an event that is of significant interest to the university.
  • A message for a date-specific event will appear in rotation a minimum of one week and up to a maximum of three weeks before the event.
  • Messages without a specific end date will be placed in rotation space permitting.
  • Rotation time may be changed at discretion of UCM.

Message Criteria

Each request will be considered on its own merit, but should promote an event that:

  • is already approved, with time, date, location confirmed,
  • is university funded or sponsored,
  • takes place on campus,
  • and is open to the public or of widespread interest or importance to the university as determined by UCM.

Additionally, all submissions must be requested by authorized university departments or organizations. "Welcome" messages to groups visiting CSUDH, congratulatory messages, or non-event messages may be posted for a limited time, space permitting.

Note Approved messages are scheduled for production in the order in which they were received.

The following messaging is not permitted on the billboard:

  • Enrollment in specific academic courses (this does not apply to extended education certificate programs, professional development/enrichment programs open to the public without formal admission to the university.)
  • General advertisement of an academic department
  • Political endorsements
  • Events closed to the public or limited to members of an organization
  • Discriminatory or offensive in nature
  • Any promotion of alcohol or tobacco
  • No posting of pricing of items or events

An existing agreement with AEG allows messaging of Dignity Sports Health Park events on the University Billboard.

Request a Billboard Post

To ensure there is sufficient time to produce and effectively display the message on the sign, requests must be submitted 15 working days before desired run date.

Once UCM receives your request and determines it meets the criteria for posting, we will reach out to you to arrange for artwork.

File Specifications and Recommendations

  • Messages must be brief and concise.
  • Design and wording of the message may be revised to adhere to university brand.
  • Sans-serif fonts work best; minimum 18pt

Still Images

  • 480px wide x 192px high
  • 72 – 100dpi
  • RGB color mode
  • PNG format

Video Messages

  • 480px wide x 192px high
  • 30 frames per second
  • No more than 10 to 12 seconds long
  • Cannot feature strobing or flashing elements
  • Mp4 format
The design must be visible/legible from 100 to 200 yards away. To test, view the message file at 100% on a computer screen. Stand 6 feet away if using a 24-27" monitor; or 4 feet away if on a laptop. If you can read the text from that distance, so will the average person viewing the sign from their car.

The requesting person and organization will be held responsible for the accuracy of the information placed in the message.

Use of University Billboard for Emergency Purposes

CSUDH reserves the right to use the campus University Billboard exclusively for emergency notification and communication.

Corporate Sponsorships and Advertising

Sponsors associated with university-sponsored artistic or cultural programs, conferences, athletic or special events may be acknowledged on the University Billboard. UCM must approve all sponsorship mentions that would appear on the board.  

Sponsorship and Acknowledgment Guidelines

  • Advertising or an expressed or implied endorsement of a third party, its products, or services, on the campus outdoor billboard is not permitted.
  • Message should not promote or endorse the sponsor, but to recognize the contribution made by the sponsor.
  • Message should reflect the integrity of the university’s reputation and image.

The following elements may be included in the acknowledgment on the University Billboard (with sponsor permission):

  • Sponsor name
  • Sponsor logo (logos may not be animated)
  • Sponsor location (physical or web address) or phone number

Acknowledgments may not include:

  • Description of sponsor
  • Descriptions of the sponsor’s products, services, facilities, or companies, etc.

Within the title of an event, some acceptable acknowledgments of event sponsors include:

  • CSUDH Concert Series sponsored by “Name of Sponsor.”
  • The CSUDH Concert Series brought to you by “Name of Sponsor.”
  • “Name of Sponsor” brings you the CSUDH Concert Series.

Contact Us

Hillary Griffin, Multimedia Designer
Welch Hall C-400D
(310) 243-2582